Our Premium Raw Organic Coconut Flour is pretty rich in beneficial fibres. Unbelievable 40 % of this flour are fibres. That is more than any other type of flour, or some cereals bars for that matter, can offer. It also contains an abundance of vegetable, gluten-free protein. Naturally, it contains all beneficial ingredients that the healthy coconut has to offer. It goes without saying that Dr. Goerg Premium Raw Organic Coconut Flour is pure, unsweetened and unbleached. The more natural a coconut product is the more beneficial it is for your palate and you.
Premium Organic Coconut Flour cream-white powder made from coconut flesh Our Premium Raw Organic Coconut Flour is obtained from fresh coconut flesh of organic coconuts which are processed locally in the Philippines within 72 hours of harvesting. The coconut flesh is gently dried at temperatures, then de-oiled and finally finely ground. No additives, no synthetic substances nothing but pure nature. The finished flour contains up to 40 % fibres, roughly 20 % gluten-free protein and 12 % coconut oil a combination especially attractive to those who emphasize a conscious, yet delicious, nutrition. With a hint of natural sweetness, this naturally gluten-free flour adds flavor to many dishes. In addition, coconut flour does not contain phytic acid. Perhaps you have come across this phenomenon: when ingesting zinc supplements it is discouraged to eat grain immediately afterwards. This is due to the percentage of phytic acid. The acid absorbs minerals like zinc which are then excreted without being utilised by the body. It is different with coconut flour. It naturally contains many minerals like zinc, potassium and magnesium while it is free from phytic acid. This means the natural reservoir of minerals in coconut flour is fully available to the body.
100 % pure organic coconut flour
no sulfites or sweeteners
raw food quality
from monitored organic cultivation
Dr. Goerg harvest-freshness guarantee: onnly 72 h from harvest to product
High-fiber lightweight for your kitchen Little effort, great effect: Even small amounts of coconut flour added to any dish will provide a luxurious hint of coconut. Add two tablespoons of Dr. Goerg Premium Raw Organic Coconut Flour to your muesli or yoghurt to start your day off right. When baking cakes or pastry, simple substite 10 20 % of conventional flour with coconut flour. Even warm dishes like soups, stews, curries, casseroles and sauces will gain a refined aroma through added coconut flour. Naturally, coconut flour can also be added to drinks like milkshakes or smoothies. Our body needs a set amount of fibers on a daily basis in order for the intestines to work properly. Nowadays, many foods do not contain any, or too small amounts, of these important ‚gut-boosters. It is all the more important to provide the body with enough fiber to reach the recommended daily intake of 30 g. Coconut flour contains the same amount of fibers as flax seed, psyllium, wheat bran and even more than oat bran. However, it has a much more refined flavor. Coconut flour is finely ground and can be added to dishes without jeopardising their texture or taste. However, it also expands in the stomach like all types of bran, providing a sensation of repletion.
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Dr. Goerg Premium Raw Organic Coconut Flour has a shelf life of up to two years. Please store the coconut flour dry at room temperature and keep it out of direct sunlight.