Happiness can‘t be bought but our Premium Organic Coconut Blossom Sugar is the next best thing! Even honey and cane sugar cannot compete with Coconut Blossom Sugar which is freshly harvested manually from the blossoms of the coconut palms. Look forward to an unspoilt natural experience of enjoying exceptional Coconut Blossom Sugar.
Handmade sugar from coconut blossomsThe Dr. Goerg premium quality is what makes this sugar so unique. From monitored organic cultivation, harvest-fresh and gentle processing, complex manufacturing process and, last but not least, absolute purity. There's no room for artificial flavors, coloring or preservatives in our jars. It goes without question that we do not dilute our coconut blossom sugar with other types of sugar. The purer, the better! Its inner qualities are impressive. There are many vitamins and minerals like iron, pottassium, zinc or magnesium. Coconut blossom sugar consists mainly of saccharose, dextrose and fructose. Due to its manufacturing process, coconut blossom sugar cannot be produced in raw food quality.
100 % pure coconut blossom sugar
from monitored organic cultivation
Dr. Goerg harvest-freshness guarantee: only 72 hours from harvest to product
Sweeten the natural wayThe possibilites of using coconut blossom sugar in your kitchen are endless. It sweetens warm and cold drinks and is perfectly suited for all your baking endeavours. A coconut glazing addt that something special to cakes and cookies. In Thailand, coconut blossom sugar is combined with coconut milk, rice, flour and eggs to create a delicious dessert. On fried fruit, waffles and pancakes or sweet casseroles, coconut blossom sugar really adds to the flavor. Even sauces or exotic cocktails gain a special flavor if coconut sugar is added. The low melting point and the good working properties make it an attractive ingredient for confectionery. Coconut blossom sugar contains so called 'radical scavengers', e.g. antioxidants which neutralise free radicals. These qualities render coconut blossom sugar an ideal sweetener for those who value a conscious nutrition.
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